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Send Tender(For Merchants)
Login As Administrater
Reset Password(For Merchants)
Sanctioned Tender Quantity(For Merchants)
Terms and Conditions
Login as Administrater
To Login As Admistrater click on Get tender details or click on Login As Admistrater option in navigation bar
Enter the password
After Entering password Click on submit button to move to next panel
Here you can register merchants with party Name and password which they will be using for logging in to send tender data
you can start tender by scheduling a time up to which forms will be available for the merchants which they can fill and thereby send reports
Note : Starting tender will delete existing data
To save the data you need to do follow given steps before starting new tender
Click on the print button at end of form
After Clicking on print,you will be redirected to another page click on the print button on this Page
To save locally in computer change the desination to save as PDF
You can print this data by changing the destination To Printer name
You can sort tender data given by merchants by various options provided with table
To get individual reports/forms of merchants just click on their name in the table
Send Tender Data